Electrophysiology Studies


heart diagram showing leads for EP study


During an EP study, 一根叫做导管的细管被插入到通往心脏的血管中. 然后在心脏中放置专门的电极来发送电信号并测量心脏中的电活动.

EP studies are used to see:

What are the risks of EP studies?

In most cases, the procedure is very safe. Discuss this with your health care professional. Some possible risks may include:

  • Arrhythmia. 在EP学习期间,你可能会有不正常的心律,使你头晕. 如果发生这种情况,你的医生可能会给你的心脏电击以恢复正常的心跳.
  • Heart attack (myocardial infarction) and stroke
  • Heart valve damage
  • 血凝块有时会在导管的尖端形成,破裂并阻塞血管. 你的医生可能会给你一些预防血栓的药物.
  • 导管插入部位(腹股沟、手臂或颈部)感染、出血和瘀伤. 你的医生或护士会帮助你避免这些问题.

How do I prepare for the test?

  • 考试前6至8小时内不要吃或喝任何东西.
  • Tell your doctor about any medicines you take, including over-the-counter medicines, herbs and vitamins. He or she may ask you not to take them before the test. 不要停药,除非你的医生告诉你.
  • 让别人开车送你去看医生,然后送你回家.
  • 如果你经常戴助听器,在手术过程中也要戴上. If you wear glasses, bring them to your appointment.

What happens during the EP study?

At a hospital or clinic, 医生和护士在一个有特殊测试设备的房间里做心电图研究. 你可能听说过这个房间叫做电生理实验室,或EP实验室. 有人称之为导尿实验室(cath lab). During the test:

  • A nurse will put an IV (intravenous line) in your arm. 你会得到帮助你放松的药(镇静剂). 但在测试过程中,你会保持清醒,并能按照指示去做.
  • 你的护士会清洁并刮掉医生工作的部位. 这通常发生在腹股沟,但也可能发生在手臂或颈部.
  • 你会被打一针——局部麻醉剂——使这个区域麻木. 你的医生会用针穿过你的皮肤进入血管. 一根稻草大小的管叫做鞘,将被插入你的动脉或静脉. 医生会轻轻地引导几根专门的心电导管穿过血管鞘进入你的血管,并将它们推进你的心脏. A video screen will show the position of the catheters. 你可能会在插入鞘的地方感觉到一些压力, but you shouldn’t feel any pain.
  • 你的医生会通过导管发送小的电脉冲,使你的心脏以不同的速度跳动. You may feel your heart beat stronger or faster.
  • 心脏产生的电信号将被特殊的导管接收并记录下来. 这就是所谓的心脏测绘,可以让医生定位心律失常的来源.
  • Your doctor will remove the catheters and the IV line. 你的护士会按压穿刺部位以止血. 
  • The test usually lasts 1 to 4 hours.

如果确定了心律失常的类型和位置,并确定了适当的治疗方法, 心脏消融术或植入心脏起搏器或ICD可在心电检查期间或之后立即进行. 

What happens after the test?

You’ll be moved to a recovery room for 1 to 3 hours. During this time:

  • Stay still as long as your nurse tells you to. 一定要保持测试所用的手臂或腿伸直. 
  • 护士会检查穿刺处是否出血或肿胀. 
  • Before you leave, you’ll be told what to do at home.

What happens after I get home?

Follow the instructions your nurse or doctor gave you, 包括服用医生开的新药. 大多数人可以在测试后4到6小时内开始进食和服药. 大多数人可以在考试后的第二天进行日常活动. Don’t drive for at least 24 hours.

The puncture site may be sore for several days. A small bruise at the puncture site is normal. 如果患处开始出血,平躺并紧紧按压患处. Have someone call the doctor or EP lab.

What should I watch for?

Call 911 if you notice:

  • 胸部疼痛或紧绷的任何症状或中风的迹象(面部下垂), arm weakness, speech difficulties). 
  • A sudden increase in swelling around the puncture site.
  • 当你用力按压患处时,出血并没有减缓.

Call your doctor right away if you notice:

  • 放置导管的手臂或腿部感到麻木或刺痛.
  • 受影响的手或脚感觉很冷或变色.
  • The puncture site looking more and more bruised.
  • 穿刺部位开始肿胀或有液体流出.
  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath

When will I know the results of my EP study?

Most of the time, 您的医疗保健专业人员会要求您预约讨论您的测试结果. 你们会在预约时讨论治疗方案. 

What are electrophysiology studies?

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